
Web3 for Finance

How to apply Web3 in the finance industry

Financial institutions are harnessing the power of blockchain technology to redefine their processes and offerings. From traditional finance to decentralized and centralized exchanges, to crypto asset trackers, blockchain technology provides a trust-infused, transparent, and efficient environment. Thanks to blockchain developers, intricate transactions are simplified, security is enhanced, and users can control their financial data. Blockchain catalyzes a new era of financial interaction, where intermediaries are minimized, and peer-to-peer transactions thrive. It's an exciting evolution in finance, fuelled by blockchain innovation.

Benefits of blockchain technology in Finance

Our blockchain advancements in finance include a unified Crypto Asset Manager for comprehensive asset tracking and a crypto statistical platform serving both DEX and CEX, promoting cross-chain and finance-DeFi interoperability. We've empowered e-commerce with a user-friendly Web3 Payments API for secure, transparent crypto transactions. Furthermore, our contributions to the NFT space include high-capacity marketplaces supporting asset tokenization and providing insightful data for decision-making.

Enhanced Security

Blockchain technology's inherent cryptography and immutable records bolster security, crucial for the finance industry. It reduces fraud, errors, and data breaches, thus strengthening trust.


Transparency and Traceability

Every transaction on a blockchain is traceable, promoting accountability and transparency in financial transactions. This feature can revolutionize both centralized and decentralized exchanges.

Transparency and Traceability

Cost Reduction

Web3 solutions eliminate or reduce the need for intermediaries in transactions, thus lowering costs.

Cost Reduction

Real-time Processing

Blockchain can speed up transaction settlement times, moving from the traditional T+2 model to real-time, enhancing liquidity.

Real-time Processing

User Empowerment

Web3 solutions return data control to the users, allowing them to control their financial data. Blockchain-backed Smart contracts automate agreements, reducing disputes and increasing efficiency.

User Empowerment

Open Finance

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) opens up financial systems to anyone, removing traditional barriers to entry, fostering financial inclusivity and democratizing access to financial services.

Open Finance


Blockchain and Web3 development enable seamless interaction between different systems or networks, further pushing the concept of open finance.


Regulatory Compliance

Blockchain's inherent transparency can assist in meeting stringent regulatory requirements in the finance sector, making audits easier and more efficient.

Regulatory Compliance

Innovation in Financial Products

Through dApp development, unique financial products and services can be created, such as yield farming, flash loans, and more, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in finance.


Enhanced Customer Experience

The amalgamation of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and Web3 solutions provide the infrastructure for a user-centric financial ecosystem, offering personalized, efficient, and secure financial services.

Customer Experience

Programmable Money

Blockchain technology allows for programmable money and assets. Smart contracts execute only when predetermined conditions are met, providing unparalleled flexibility in designing financial products and automating financial operations.

Programmable Money

Peer-to-peer Transactions

Web3 and DeFi solutions enable peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries, providing efficiency and reducing costs.

Peer-to-peer Transactions

Asset Tokenization

Blockchain enables asset tokenization, making it possible to trade fractions of valuable assets like real estate, art, or even company shares, thus creating liquidity and making investment more accessible.

Asset Tokenization

Financial Privacy

Blockchain enables asset tokenization, making it possible to trade fractions of valuable assets like real estate, art, or even company shares, thus creating liquidity and making investment more accessible.

Financial Privacy

Resilience and Redundancy

With blockchain's decentralized nature, financial systems become more resilient against single points of failure, reducing systemic risk.


Cross-Border Transactions

Blockchain technology can streamline cross-border transactions, reducing costs, eliminating intermediaries, and speeding up processing times.

Cross-Border Transactions

Yield Farming and Liquidity Mining

DeFi protocols incentivize users to provide liquidity to their platforms by rewarding them with governance tokens, a novel way of earning returns on investments.

Yield Farming

Risk Management

Transparent, immutable records allow for better risk assessment and management in finance. It also assists in reducing counterparty risk in trades.

Risk Management

Innovation in Insurance

Blockchain and smart contracts can be used to create decentralized insurance products, automating claims processing and reducing fraud.


Sustainable Finance

Blockchain can track and verify the origin of green investments, helping enforce sustainability standards in finance.

Sustainable Finance

Financial Freedom

Web3 solutions and blockchain technology empower users to be their own bank, with complete control over their finances.

Financial Freedom

Future Proofing

As digital transformation continues, adopting blockchain and Web3 solutions prepares financial institutions for a digital-first future.

Future Proofing


Blockchain technology makes it economically viable to execute microtransactions, opening up new business models.



Blockchain and Web3 solutions can democratize investment, enabling crowdfunding and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), giving start-ups access to global finance.


Web3 solutions in the Finance sector

  • 1.

    Crypto Asset Manager

    The great variety offered by the multitude of blockchains and crypto exchanges together with the smart diversification of portfolios needed an all-in-one solution to track every NFT and coin in one single app, regardless of the asset source. This goal was achieved by integrating over 40 crypto exchanges and blockchains in one easy to use interface.
  • 2.

    Centralized and Decentralized Exchanges

    We support interoperability from mainstream finance and DeFi and vice versa through developments such as a Web3 POS payment system for seamless transactions, custom vesting smart contracts, and cross-chain integration, and a comprehensive crypto statistical platform, inclusive of coin data and NFT trends, and have been implemented.
  • 3.

    Crypto Payments for e-Commerce

    Facilitating crypto transactions in e-commerce via an intuitive Web3 Payments API, the platform enables merchants to monitor activities and claim income directly from the smart contract. The underlying smart contract ensures transparency and auto-refunds in case of payment discrepancies, all without human intervention. It seamlessly integrates with various e-commerce platforms and supports creation of payment links for crypto transactions.
  • 4.

    NFT Marketplace

    Creating NFT marketplaces for broad or niche markets to serve as launchpad for the new age artists and projects. We support art and creativity by providing complex platforms that can withstand any volume and offer full transaction capabilities, as well as real live data about each individual asset and its collection to empower users with informed decisions.