
Web3 for Decentralized Cloud Computing

How to apply Web3 in the Cloud Industry

Decentralized cloud computing revolutionizes data handling via blockchain's transparency and security. It converts traditional cloud into a network where data is traceable and secure. With blockchain, workload is distributed, eliminating single points of failure, reducing data breach risks. Blockchain development leverages smart contracts and tokenization, motivating network contribution, and offering efficiency. A breakthrough in blockchain technology used by diverse industries for dependable, superior cloud solutions.

Benefits of blockchain technology in decentralized cloud computing

We developed an NFT collection that seamlessly integrated with the Decentralized Cloud Computing Service, offering unique benefits to NFT holders based on token attributes. This innovative fusion of art and technology delivers tailored cloud computing experiences.

Innovative Fusion of Art and Technology

By merging NFTs with decentralized cloud computing, companies can offer tailored experiences to their users. The attributes of these NFTs can directly affect the cloud computing services users receive.

Art and Technology

Detailed Strategic Planning

Thorough planning including drafting of whitepapers and technical & creative briefs ensures strategic steps and detailed plans to guide the development process, establishing a solid foundation for future advancements.

Strategic Planning

Community-Centric Approach

Setting up platforms for community interaction like Discord, and using advanced tools to gamify and engage communities can lead to higher user engagement and stronger brand loyalty.

Community Approach

Tailored Artwork Creation

Generative art and layered artwork in NFTs allow for various rarity levels and traits, which can be used as triggers or keys for access to particular bonuses, benefits, or features within the decentralized cloud services.

Artwork Creation

Advanced Smart Contracts

Smart contracts offer autonomy, credibility, and flexibility. They can control detailed operations like batch minting, whitelist integrations, and provide a high degree of control to the operator, making it adaptable to project requirements.

Smart Contracts

User-Friendly dApps

User-friendly interfaces ensure that the minting process is accessible to all users, regardless of their technical expertise or knowledge of Web3. This broadens the potential user base and democratizes access.


Fast and High Demand

Successful NFT sales drive user engagement and build a vibrant community. This not only aids in the adoption of decentralized cloud services but also in the overall growth and reputation of the brand.

Community engagement

Improved Security and Privacy

By decentralizing cloud computing services through blockchain, user data becomes more secure and private, as it's not under the control of a single authority.

Security and Privacy

Cost Effectiveness

Blockchain allows the cloud computing industry to utilize resources from computers around the globe, potentially reducing costs while also improving performance and reliability.

Cloud Solutions

Greater Efficiency

Blockchain provides an efficient and streamlined process for transactions and data exchange. It removes the need for intermediaries and allows direct peer-to-peer interactions, which can enhance the speed and efficiency of cloud services.


Diverse Ecosystem

Blockchain and Web3 offer an extensive toolkit for developing innovative applications, including smart contracts, dApps, and NFTs, which can create unique user experiences and drive engagement.

Diverse Ecosystem

Future Potential

The benefits of holding specific NFTs in terms of access to tailored cloud computing experiences create incentives for users to participate in the ecosystem, potentially driving future demand for NFT sales and boosting the overall value of the platform.

Discord setup

How to create an NFT Collection for the Decentralized Cloud Computing

  • 1.

    Whitepaper drafting

    The briefing-debriefing phase where we put everything together under a detailed plan with strategic steps. We derive this into a public version in order to be presented to users, stakeholders or investors.
  • 2.

    Technical and Creative Brief

    Any NFT collection is built based on fixed technical specifications and the creative aspect that needs to fit in with lore (story), collection utility and main brand identity, all at once.
  • 3.

    Discord setup and community tools

    A community gathers around the NFT collection, therefore, it requires a platform to hold everyone together, to be able to socialize, to receive direct updates and announcements, to participate in contests and other marketing activations. We enable this process through our in-house solutions to gamify and engage communities, as well as advanced whitelist/waitlist systems, discord bots and 3rd party integrations.
  • 4.

    Community engagement

    Automations and software are the basis upon which the community will function and participate, but things need to be kept in check by a roadmap and guidelines enforced by community engagers that actively communicate, moderate conversations and are able to manage any kind of crysis.
  • 5.

    Artwork creation

    Generative art and random or shuffled layer base art is a common practice in NFT artwork creation. Layer based artwork creation enables a collection to set different levels of rarity based on certain traits (layers and layer types) and micro calibrate every trait rarity according to the project requirements. Rarity and traits can be later used as triggers or key for access to particular bonus, benefits, or features in a dApp or even conventional application.
  • 6.

    ERC721 smart contract development

    A smart contract is the center piece for an NFT project that seeks total autonomy, credibility and flexibility. Specifically, after conditions are set and the smart contract is operational and able to manage the minting process, additional commands can be introduced to enable the smart contract operator, regardless of the technical level, to control the smart contract down to the detail such as minting in multiple batches, setting the batch size and starting, pausing and stopping the smart contract anytime. Additionally, the smart contract support integrations with the whitelist and allow only particular, preset wallets to mint an NFT.
  • 7.

    Minting dApp

    The state-of-the-art smart contract needs an user interface that can make the minting process available to any user regardless of technical expertise or Web3 knowledge. We deliver the minting process through very easy to use dApps that have friendly UI, streamlined processes and additional instructions where needed to assist users along the process.